Urban Renewal Kingslea Broadmeadows

Gorway Projects

Urban Renewal

154 fully serviced and tiered allotments, 2,500m2 of full depth asphalt pavement reconstruction, 500m of stormwater main drain upgrade, internal earthworks, retaining walls, pavements, stormwater drainage, OSD, sewer reticulation, water reticulation, electrical and NBN supply.

Remediated brownfield site within industrial Broadmeadows, reconstruction and upgrade to external infrastructure under live traffic.


Masterplanned Community and Retail Precinct

154 Town Homes



The former site of the iconic Hard Yakka workwear business, re-imagined as mixed density master planned community by Gorway Projects.

Our Certifications

Our dedication to Health, Safety, Quality, and the Environment, is key to our success as a modern and innovative business. With sustainability in mind, our projects are delivered utilising our AS/NZS & ISO accredited Integrated Management System. Western Civil places safety as the number one priority on all sites – no exception.

Our Clients
Have a project in mind? Contact us today